Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Extravagent Results of Nature's Arms Race

This is kind of an interesting explanatory-type story about the weapons nature equips animals with for their defense: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/24/science/24armo.html?_r=1&em

It's a really well-written article which basically talks about the lastest research some scientists have done on the topic, and how extravagent ornamental defense systems might have evolved. The journalist does an excellent job of never using jargon, and writing in common terms any reader could understand. It is straight-to-the-point and always refers back to the nutgraph about the evolution of animals' built-in weapons.

It's also just an interesting topic...I've never really thought about how those horns and antlers on things from beetles to large mammals! Intriguing.

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